From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Peace, Love and Cows

Big brother watching younger
sister show a cow.

We spent the day at the Shawano County Fair watching youth, including our three grandchildren, show cows. In the first go around the cows were judged and in the second the youth showing the cow were judged. My son and his family live across the road from a family dairy farm so their 4-H club has many cows to choose from. My oldest grandson, now a senior in high school, has been showing cows since he was about seven in the “Pee Wee” show.

The theme of this year’s cow judging was “Peace, Love and Cows.” There was a yellow Volkswagen Beetle car to the side of showing area and the signs were a multiple of color in various shapes, ‘hippie’ colors. Having lived through the sixties where the peace and love theme reigned I thought this theme interesting. When I looked the coliseum I saw that all, young and old, were white people, something you expect in a rural town like Shawano. Also I suspect many youth in North Central Milwaukee have never touched a cow and let alone show a cow.

Technically a cow is not a cow until she has given birth. So the ‘cows’ were, for the most part, calves, heifers and yearlings. But for the theme this did not matter, a cow is a cow.

This web site is called Nonviolent Cow since when I visited India I discovered how important cows were the majority of Indians lives. Cows provide dung that when eaten and pooped by worms produces a rich natural fertilizer call castings. Cows provide milk. Cow manure is also used to produces energy in some rural villages. Cow manure also is made into something that cleans and softens a concrete floor. When harden, cow manure patties have countless uses form making tiles to burning for heat. Some cows are considered ‘sacred cows’ in some religions and are allow to wander free in the city and all are responsible for their well being. The people of India used cows for many things, but for most, not for eating.

So it is safe to associate Mother Cow with peace and love for cows to represent the useful way of life that comes with following God (gods, spiritual life or Mother Earth).

Peace and Love for all, particular our enemies is rare today. In an age of ‘individualism’ and greedy capitalism they seem lost, nothing more than a humorous theme. However, watch young people are showing cows and enjoying it, it gives us a ray of hope that peace, love and nonviolent cows can reign once more.


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