From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Where are the Poor?

Where are the Poor?

A group of citizens in Milwaukee’s most impoverished neighbors of Milwaukee went to the St. Vincent de Paul Central office today with a concern they have been trying to communicate for some time. They found the office closed and the bi-monthly board meeting had been cancelled. When the same group went peacefully to the Grand Opening of new store they were met with police and forced to leave the property. (See No Room for the Poor in SVDP Store They sent a letter to the President of Milwaukee Society and board to dialog on their concern for poor and they were ignored. Tonight they were met by one news photojournalist who took a lot of video shots but, so far, have failed to make the news.

Poor people are sadly used to being ignored and marginalized but this group will hopefully persist. Here is their fact sheet and demand. More can be found at Mission of St. Vincent de Paul and by requesting more information at

We the people, a voice for people in need,

Because the mission of “Society of St. Vincent de Paul is “Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering…”.*

Because “St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores throughout the United States are an association of lay employees and volunteers dedicated to serve our needy sisters and brothers. All who come to are stores are welcomed with dignity and respect. We hope they leave as friends to shop with us again. Those who cannot afford the clothing, furniture and other household items they need will be provided for through a Vincentian initiated referral system……Serving Christ’s needy is the first purpose of all St. Vincent de Paul stores. **

Because Milwaukee is one of the poorest cities in the U.S.A., the most racially segregated city in the USA, with the highest rate of incarceration of African American males in USA and a city increasing in impoverishment of African-American and Hispanic neighborhoods, *****

Because in the Society, all money, (income, donations, and debts) belongs to the poor. (“The Society has held from the beginning that the funds donated to the Conference belong to the poor.” …… “Like Conferences, Councils act as custodians of funds given to the Society, understanding that they belong, ultimately, to the poor.” ***

Because “Councils may receive funding requests from charitable organizations outside the Society. Funds donated to the Society, however, must be used only for works that involve the personal service of Society members.”***

Because the Milwaukee SVDP Greenfield store, after seven months of operation and over four million dollars of investment* shows no signs of being sustainable let along profitable,****

We the people, who all SVDP money belongs to, demand there be No More Money of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Milwaukee County be invested in the Greenfield SVDP store but rather being invested in the SVDP conferences that serve the needy and to create, not investigate, a SVDP Thrift store in North Central Milwaukee, where it is needed.

Where are the poor?


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