From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Persistency Pays

I have been writing this Diary of Worm for many years, maybe since 2006. I can remember only a few of my postings being published, mostly in local newspaper as a ‘Letter to the Editor”. However, yesterday I was informed that two posting I wrote about two issues close to my heart have been or will be published. One is the posting ’Do Facts and Cry of the Poor Matter?’ which I wrote about the people’s demand that the local SVDP society stop using more “money belonging to poor” for a thrift store in the suburbs but rather serve people in need in the city. It was published, in all places, in the E Newsletter of the National office of Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP). Although the link is hidden it is a miracle that the National Office who cooperated with the local office to suspend me from the Society. I thank God, Blessed Fredrick and whoever was local agent for making this article available to all the good Vincentians in the USA.

The second came from the notable paper of the Catholic Worker in New York. This paper was established by Peter Maurin and Dorothy Day, co-founders of the Catholic Worker Movement in the USA. It has a large distribution all over the world and still is a penny a copy. The posting is Dorothy Day’s Worst Nightmare. The editor changed the title and made other edits but the essence of the article remains.

As some readers may know, I have struggled long and hard with other people to eliminate the teaching of killing at war at Marquette Catholic University (see Marquette and Notre Dane Teach War and Killing) and the struggle with people in need to shed light on “money belonging to poor” being use for persons in the suburbs These two issues at times looked hopeless. I have been told to “give up” on both struggles by some good people but just cannot. I take new hope in my persistent writing and acting with others on these issues of justice and peace. I do not bathe in the light of these two posting gone national but use them to inspire myself to do more writing and to work together with people on nonviolent actions.

Persistency Pays.


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