From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Only By Prayer and Fasting!

Today I got two reports of how the poor are suffering due to the Milwaukee St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) Society investing millions in a suburban store. One disabled woman, who was fortunate to live in one of the neighborhoods SVDP served, needed a refrigerator and some furniture. The home visitors said the woman had to choose between a refrigerator or a couch or chair. When I was a member of that same conference the choice was two of three major items, beds, furniture and stove. It was explained to me that was because of limited funds. Now that the central council office budget has grown to over three million dollars the amount of that budget distributed to conferences, less than 1% of total budget. The conferences income remains the same.

Another Mom who needed some basic furniture to get her children back was told by the intake person at the central office she lived in an area, poor as it may be, that was not covered by a SVDP conference. There are 55 conference and 800 volunteers in Milwaukee SVDP yet, due to limits of Central Office of what areas Vincentians can make home visits, many of the low income neighborhoods are not covered. Reports of rejections by SVDP central office are increasing.

Despite this injustices of money belonging to the poor by rule of SVDP going for a venture in the suburb that instead of making money for serving the poor is losing money that could be used for persons in need to have basics, like beds, furniture, stove or refrigerators.

This misuse of funds directed to people in need may be legal but it is immoral. Yet is so hard to get members of the Society, so many good people, or the public to do something about it. Members of the Society often agree with our position but say “There is nothing we can do about it.” Members of the public say we do not want to get involved in a Catholic Church thing. Poor understand right away but feel helpless. Staff and members in control of SVDP in Milwaukee find it easier to blame the messenger and ignore the message.

If I was not so old maybe I could organize the poor to stand up against this injustice. Only a few in the media will raise the issue, and when they due are quickly quieted. What to do? I cannot think of doing anything but to keep on trying to get the message out, suffer the attacks on character, or even harder yet, having the message ignored.

Jesus said there were some injustices or demons that can only be driven out by prayer and fasting. So speak out, a voice of voiceless, research and dialog when possible but most of all pray and fast. I believe eventually the truth will get out and the poor will be blessed.


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