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Maps of Segregation, Poverty, Criminalization of African Americans and the Catholic Churches in North Central Milwaukee

Check out the 2015 Milwaukee Homicide Rate to these Maps at Homicide Tracker

North Central Milwaukee (outlined) is the most segregated area in the most segregated city in the USA, one of the poorest neighborhoods in the fourth poorest city in the USA, and home resident to largest number of African males incarcerated and released, with Wisconsin having the highest black male rate incarceration rate in the nation.

Catholic Churches in North Central Milwaukee

17 Catholic Churches in North Central
Milwaukee in 1962 and
3, in green, today.

Segregation in North Central Milwaukee

Black=85% or more African American,
grey= 85% or more white; red=integrated blocks, green= predominately Hispanic;
white= nonresidential blocks

Poverty in North Central Milwaukee

Red dot equal family below poverty level

Criminalization in North Central Milwaukee

Home Residence of State Prisoners, (Incarcerated and Released)

See page 24 of Wisconsin’s Mass Incarceration of African American Males for Home Residence of African American Male State Prisoners (Incarcerated and Released)

2010 U.S. Census showing Wisconsin having the highest black male incarceration rate in the nation and North Central Milwaukee has the highest rate in the state of Wisconsin. Wisconsin’s Mass Incarceration of African American Males Prepared by John Pawasarat and Lois M. Quinn, Employment and Training Institute University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 2013

Unemployment in North Central Milwaukee

1 blue dot = 5 unemployed people as of the most recent 2012 census ACS data

Special Thanks for the maps to John Paswsarat of the Employment and Training Institute, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


City of Milwaukee

Poverty in Milwaukee

Racial Segregation in Milwaukee

Criminalization in Milwaukee

Criminalization in Milwaukee2

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Page last modified on June 11, 2015

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