From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Two Sides Of One Power

Peter Graf

The Nonviolent Power side of the nonviolent worm domain grew today. I added some information of the death of my friend Gordon Zahn, a copy of the letter to the MU board of Trustees? and a link to the web site of my niece, professional photographer Lynn Guarino, as well as unfortunately needing to update the Mothers Against Gun Violence Memorial Web page on the Milwaukee Renaissance site. Now for balance I need tomorrow to focus on the Growing Power side of the web domain. The balance between nature (Growing Power) and spiritual (Nonviolence) makes us whole. For when we live in the ‘radical’ middle we live to the fullest.

Both of these Powers, nonviolent and worm, sides of our lives are significant. We do not live “by bread alone” but we need bread to live. We need food and drink to live but also need meaning in our lives to live. Both are there, everywhere, if we have “eyes to see and ears to hear.”

Tomorrow, as my nature contribution, I need to tackle the sunroom, cleaning it, feeding the plants, making it more of an effective growing area and place to relax in nature. The weatherman says it will be ice, snow and cold outside tomorrow but inside in the sunroom it can be warm, cozy and green.

Wednesday, it will be back, at least in the morning, to the nonviolent side as we approach the board of trustees at Marquette at 8:45am in the morning in the MU Memorial Union to stop endorsing the teaching of military sciences that are contrary to Christian values on this Catholic Campus. See Marquette, Be Faithful to the Gospel, No Longer Host Schools of Military Science

Back and forth, from nonviolence to nature, from worm to spiritual, our lives go around and around. When we can bring the two together as one we will be Whole.



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Page last modified on December 11, 2007, at 08:04 AM