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Nature is very flexible and adaptable but there are laws of nature that just are and there is no getting around them. This paradox also exists in our faith values. Many of our faith values are flexible and adaptable but there are some that are not negotiable. This paradox does not exist in army values. The army says about it’s values that they are primary over faith values and nonnegotiable. Interesting enough when some of us approached Marquette, a Catholic University about teaching Army values which are contrary to Christian values the President of the School said once again that the teaching of these values on campus are not negotiable. Simply said, laws of nature and values of our religious faiths are both flexible and firm. Values of the Military and Marquette are just firm and non-negotiable. The principles of nature and faith seems to have a common bond like the principles of the military and this Jesuit Catholic University have a bond. I will take the paradox of nature and faith, flexible and yet firm over the absolutism of the military and Marquette, just firm and non-negotiable.

Growing Power is part, fortunately, of the ways of nature. There are lots of variables in growing a garden yet there are some basic values, truths or laws that always apply. The mix of compost, water, sun, heat will affect the growth of plants but the basic nature of the plants remains the same. Seed is seed and the nature of it is the same yet where it falls will affect how the seed grows. A seed planted in fertile soil will produce more fruit than a seed planted in weedy, poor soil. The seed of faith planted in open minds and hearts will grow better than the seeds of faith planted in closed minds and hearts.

In the Military and Marquette worlds, according to their own rules, all is the same, rules are rules, values are values and it does not matter the circumstances or context they reside in. As Father Wild, the present of Marquette University has said over the years about a discussion of military values vs. Christian values “there is no dialog possible.” However, in the natural order and cosmological view of the world, like with our faith, the seeds of life remain the same but grow and adapt to the changing world, thus dialog, discussion, adaptablity is always present.

In a way the military and Marquette Administration are like the creationist in the old argument of creationist vs. evolutionary view of the world. Order, rules and values are just are and unlike nature and its rules and laws do not adapt to the times.



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