From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Hard Rain Falling

The rain falls down hard on the dry ground.
Tomorrow the world will be greener.

Yesterday was my granddaughter, Carolee’s birthday. Today is my son’s Peter’s birthday and tomorrow is my friend Ann’s birthday.

Ann is a wonderful person I knew from Church who had worked hard and was just retiring to a lifecycle of prayer, reflection and service when she was struck by a mysterious disease. After many months, many doctor appointments, many tests and much pain she now knows some about her illness. But the pain, medicine and exams continue. She has not been able to make a Faith In Recovery meeting at church for a long time. Through all this she remains hopeful of returning to good health and full of gratitude for her life. God Bless Ann.

Tomorrow is Memorial Day when we remember American soldiers who have died. Remembering these men and woman, especially the few I have known or know about, fills my heart with waves of sorrow. I feel especially sad for those who died in the war in Vietnam and are dying in the war in Iraq. I blame the government for these unjust and immoral wars while I honored and respect the men and woman who died in them. This tension of anger with the government and respect for the soldiers is burden to bear. Perhaps this explains why I am so vehemently opposed to training for the military on a Christian University campus like Marquette. A soldier on the battlefield faces an impossible choice — to kill or be killed — while the government officials, some church officials, defense contractors, university officials talk, press buttons and never see the blood on their hands. They have weapons and soldiers do the killing for them.

Birthdays come and go, illnesses hurt, soldiers fight on in an endless war, and soldiers and persons suffer.

“It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall ” At least tomorrow it will be greener.



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