From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Tea Time in the Garden

Garden Tea Bag

When the rain stops the ground will be soaked deep down. When the ground is soaked deep down worms come up for air. Worms, like humans need air. This is why good compost has a mix of about 75% carbon (wood chips, cardboard etc) and 25% nitrogen (food scrapings, coffee grounds, etc.) Carbon offers air pockets to the soil. I will check on my worms in the worm condo and worm depository tomorrow but they should be okay. Since my garden has a lot of castings mixed with the compost you could not say it is a tea garden. Now with a little summer the garden will be ready for some serious growing. Also the water catchers below my vertical grower, the worm condo and the plant stand, that I just put outside as well as the rain barrels, should be full of organic tea. I will collect it tomorrow and use it to fertilize my seeds and plants even more. This “tea” like real tea and coffee with caffeine, has organic stimulants in it. It is Tea Time in the Garden.



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Page last modified on June 09, 2008, at 10:51 AM