From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Be Where You Be

pain by Peter Graf

I try not to read too much into my son’s, Peter’s art, but some pictures, for reasons I do not understand, speak to me more than others. This is one. His titles give a hint of what he is imagining. This one, called ‘pain’, speaks to me of a deep longing to be somewhere else, in some other place. Wanting to be somewhere where you are not can be very painful.

Today was the first day of my renewed commitment to be fully where I am, to live more with Mindfulness. I am trying to avoid, except when I cannot avoid it, taking on any new project, but the problem is that there are already too many “unfinished projects” to deal with. Today I did some cleanup in the house and repaired the AIR storm windows on my own house. Hopefully soon I can plant the flower bulbs outside and the salad greens inside. I did notice after repairing the storms with AIR insulation pockets that this project got my full attention and my mind did not wander. This full attention often happens when I watch TV or a movie, but it is more difficult to do when there is an activity. Even during the activity of driving a car, something that needs full attention, my mind often wanders. I have mentioned before that working in the garden plants me in the present moment. So I guess there are some activities that make it easier to be present in the moment.

Working in the garden I want to be there, and this must be why it is easier to be mindful in this activity. The challenge is to practice mindfulness when you are doing something you may not want to do. So while wanting to be somewhere else can be painful, wanting to be where you are makes mindfulness easy.



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Page last modified on October 09, 2008, at 09:03 AM