From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Facing Winter and Death

Facing Winter

Winter like Death surrounds us. We can hide in our TV and on our cell phones but winter, like death, is certain.

Death like Winter surrounds us. We can hide in our heated houses and our censored news reports but death, like winter, is certain.

Starvation, Violence and Poverty, the faces of death surround us. Where can we start to make a difference?

Facing winter we have a choice: we can prepare the ground and compost pile, rake the leaves and shovel the snow, or go down South.

Facing Death we have a choice: we can meet it head-on by living more fully in the now, or we can run from it as far as we can.

Nonviolent Worm update: I hope to start collecting data on the greenhouse experiment. The sunset and drum slideshow is coming. It is time to finish putting the retreat in daily life on the web. I started today a list of Green Fair Trade Gifts on the home page of . Any suggestions? There is a lot more doing to do, on and off the web, and to report, but we need now to move on and wait and see what facing Winter and Death brings us tomorrow.



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Page last modified on November 18, 2008, at 07:45 AM