From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Be The Difference

Or Not?

As a youth minister one of my favorite songs was: “Go Make A Difference”. It has a solid beat and with the use of repetition it can be motivating music for putting one’s faith into practice.

Marquette University, a Jesuit Catholic University in Milwaukee, has as its slogan: “Be the Difference.” Some of us, many MU alumni, tried to put this slogan into action tonight at the Marquette Alumni Award Dinner. We went to the doors of the Alumni Memorial Union, where the event was to be held, with our sign: “Marquette University Teach War No More?” and a flyer of how To Make Peace by Stopping the Teaching of War.

We have been witnessing for the 8 weeks of Lent to this message on various sites on the Marquette University campus. The Marquette administration had decided to allow us to witness to our message on campus. The difference tonight, however, was that this was a black tie dinner for alumni and donors. Marquette decided tonight not to allow us to witness to this message. With MU security officers and City of Milwaukee police at all the entrances we were not allowed to be in the union or anywhere on Marquette property. So we stood on the street at the entrance to the parking lot for this black tie event.

I guess to “Be the Difference” has its limits when rich alumni are involved. Can Marquette make a difference where Money or Morals is involved?



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