From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Kalamkari Art

Kalamkari Shirt

Today’s addition to the Products from the Indian of Mahatma Gandhi is the art of Kalamkari. Kalamkari is a type of hand-painted or block-printed cotton textile originating in Andhra Pradesh province of India. Andhra Pradesh is the province of India that speaks Telugu and form the base of Telugu Association of North America whose conference I attend in Chicago last week. . (See Gandhi Thought and Action. It is an ancient art of making materials, shirts, table cloths, sarees, curtains, bed sheets we use in everyday life.

Like path quilts made by Ella, Kalamkari combines art and practical items used in everyday life. I believe human beings have a drive to create art in their everyday life. Kalamkari and Patch Quilt art fulfills that need to create art in history and everyday life.



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Page last modified on July 12, 2009, at 08:45 AM