From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Easy or Difficult

Pilgrimage of Peace 2010

Today I was talking with someone about the Pilgrimage of Peace 2010. This was an easy and difficult task. It was easy since I was so inspired by the Pilgrimage of Peace 2009. Yet it was difficult to articulate in words such an enriching experience that made such an impact on my life in everyday living.

I came home and continued sifting castings in my new sifter. Now that was easy.

Today I had to send my liberal peace friends an article, “For the Left, war without Bush is not war at all” by Byron York of the Washington Examiner newspaper. In it he takes on the ‘peace movement’ for having two standards for unjust wars, one for Republicans and one for Democrats. It was difficult to send this to peace friends, especially when I know that most, if not all, will ignore it as they did with my response to our liberal democratic congresswoman’s support of a war she condemned. No one likes to be confronted with their own words and principles when they are violating them. I know it is difficult for me to receive accusations that I do not practice what I believe, but I am glad for it.

Playing with children, talking with elders, walking in nature is easy. Easy or difficult it makes no difference, life goes on.



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Page last modified on August 20, 2009, at 07:46 AM