From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Wasted Space Heater

Roof of Sun Room

In the August 22nd posting, The Green Answer Is Within, I wrote how the answer to my question how to simply and affordably heat my unheated sun room was right in front of my noise: a passive solar box on the roof of the sun room sending hot air into the sun room in the winter.

Today I took a picture of the roof of the sun room, which faces south. With the sun low in the sky and the leaves on the trees I do not get much sun on the roof in the summer. That is good because on a sunny day the room is too hot. However, in the winter when the sun is high in the sky and the trees are bare there is plenty of sun warming the roof. A passive solar box on the roof could capture the heat and send it to the sun room. There a fan would distribute the hot air, and the floor of the room and the soil in the GP box along with the five pane AIR inserts can keep it for the cold winter nights.

This project, although simple and affordable, is a little beyond my building skills. I need to find someone to build the box, put a vent in the roof and a device to open and shut the vent. Then the roof will no longer be a wasted space heater.



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Page last modified on September 01, 2009, at 08:17 AM