From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Delicious Cultures

Chicken Biryani

Rain, rain go away. Another rainy day kept me away from working outside in the gardens. I could have and should have worked on the inside sun room garden but I did not. The lure of communications with the computer and with the phone kept me occupied for most of the day. But I had to escape the house and did so by driving down to one of my favorite stores, Attari’s Supermarket, a Middle Eastern grocery store on the south side. There, today, I was able to purchase not only homemade fresh pita bread but three large home made chicken Biryani meals for dinner tonight at a very affordable price. Yes Chicken Biryani is Indian food but carry out dinners are available every Friday at the store. A local Indian family makes and provides the food and runs a small catering business.

As I noticed in India, Indian dishes share many of the same spices and ingredients as Middle Eastern dishes, food I grew up with. Perhaps this is why I was so attracted to Indian cooking after our Pilgrimage of Peace to India. In fact, tonight I feel like adding to the Indian Recipes on this site.

The food of a culture can tell you a lot about a culture. The connections between my Lebanese ethnic origins and my attraction to Indian culture are delicious.



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Page last modified on October 24, 2009, at 09:21 AM