From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Tired of Words (TOW)

Photo Gallery

Talking to someone recently the person used many words and ideas. In his mind the many words and ideas were joined together. In my mind they were disconnected words and ideas. When he asked me to validate his talk I said I did not understand the connections but that his actions would speak louder than any words.

Meeting with a group recently the persons used many words and ideas. In their minds the many words and ideas were joined together. In my mind they were also connected words and ideas. When reflecting on the meeting I understood the connections but thought that actions of the group would speak louder than any words.

I like to believe that all things are connected but know that it is not by words. Recently I have become tired of words and ideas. Like information in this age, there are just too many words and ideas. Often I hear a new use of a words or an idea, but usually there is no action but just more words and ideas.

As I get tired of so many words I appreciate more the words of Mahatma Gandhi, a man of many words, who said: “My Life is my message. You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Tired of Words (TOW) tonight, I spent my computer posting time placing six new pictures on Bob’s Photo Gallery. If a picture equals a thousand words, an action on words equals ten thousand words and a message by life is wordless.



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