From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Being With Waste Can Lead To Better Sight

Worm Depository
Waste to Sight

I did the Uncle Bob’s Growing Power Worm Magic Show today at the Resource Fair at our Church today. The magic show is designed to explain to children how to recycle waste, banana peels, leaves etc into organic soil that sustains plants. What nature takes weeks to do with the help of worms and Growing Power magic I do in about 10 min. The audience today was adults but they enjoyed it.

After a day of sustainability at the Resource Fair I went home and started to work in my garden. I was moving waste around near the worm depository (mound of compost for worms to live) when I came across a pair of glasses that I lost last fall. When I lost these fairly new glasses I was very upset and never spent the money to replace them. My eyesight is not very bad but I was delighted today to find these glasses in the waste. It will mean better sight.

In my show today at the church I was reminded of the bible sayings that the last should be first and the least, even worms or waste, will be great. Sometimes when I am praised, rejected or ignored for doing and saying what I believe, I remind myself that it is the message of my life not the messenger, weak or strong as I may be, that is important. Being with the marginalized, rejected and waste of the world can lead to better sight.



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