From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: By Picture Or Word

Truth of War

They say the “Truth Shall Set You Free”. In a very small way we try to say that with our Freedom Marches, Breaking the Silence. In a very big way WikiLeaks did this with the release today of the Afghan War Diary, secret military documents telling us what we suspected but did not know for sure about the war in Afghanistan.

Today I put on the web the Freedom March at the Brady Street Festival pictures and today WikiLeaks released over 75,000 secret US military reports covering the war in Afghanistan. There is no comparison in magnitude, but both releases have the same message: Stop this terrible war in Afghanistan that is destroying our nation and the nation of Afghanistan.

By releasing a few insignificant pictures or by releasing many powerful words we all need to do whatever we can do to stop this war. By picture or word the “truth will set us free”.



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Page last modified on July 27, 2010, at 08:14 AM