From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Stigma or Sun?

Evergreen for Peter

My son Peter suffered terribly from the social stigma that many impose on persons with brain diseases. Struggling with this observation and other stigmas people place, I wrote this in March 2009: Stigma Stains the Soul. To understand that there is some bit of truth behind each stigma but the stigma does not define who you are was valuable for me. Sadly my son never understood this.

While stigma is a curse the sun is a blessing. Without sun there is not much life. The evergreen given us by friends to remember our son said in the planting instructions that it required full sun. This was a dilemma for my wife and me, for where we really wanted to plant the tree was by the front door which does not enjoy full sun. We decided to risk it and plant the tree there anyway. We put plenty of worm castings, compost and watered in with casting tea hoping that the energy from the castings, compost and tea would compensate for the lack of sun. We will wait and see.



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