From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Creativity Heals!

“Drums” by Peter Graf

Some time ago I featured an article on the web site about the healing power of working with soil. This weekend the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) of Greater Milwaukee will feature a fine arts and stage performance show called: Creativity Heals, Celebrating the Healing Power of Creativity. It will be Friday, Nov. 12th, 5–8pm at Turner Hall, 1034 N. 4th St., Milwaukee.

Our deceased son Peter will have ten pieces of his art on display. The director of NAMI turns out to be someone who as a student knew Peter at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He witnesses the creativity of Peter and saw changes in Peter after he got ill. However, he, like us at the time, knew little about mental illnesses.

The name of the show “Creativity Heals” fits Peter’s art well. He used art as means of healing. We have discovered nearly a thousand works of art, digital, drawings and paintings since his death.

I have personally experienced the healing power of working with the soil. Although I am not an artist I have found healing in writing, like this Diary of the Worm. Creativity does heal!



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