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“There is great value in healthy conflict”
Frederick Douglas in a speech in 1878

Someone in the peace community I do not know personally, a young man I think, wrote me an email today questioning of what he perceives as my ‘attacks’ on persons who are rallying against Nazis this Saturday and my attitude that we in the peace movement should be on the offense rather than always defending ourselves. Here is some of what I wrote back that applies to many of us.

“I was forced off the PA Steering Committee last year. I had joined the steering committee to make a positive contribution to nonviolent actions. When I tried I was criticized and personally attacked. All they did at meetings was talk and talk mostly about the minuets of last meeting. When some of us tried to do a direct action on war spending we were told we could not do it with PA. I did not have time for all those frustrating and negative vibes. I should have forced them to kick me off but did not want to make myself the message rather than the message itself being the issue, so I resigned.

As I explained in recent emails to peace community I do not believe we should give creditability to this Nazi hate group by attacking them. Clearly my message was ignored.

I do not remember ever attacking you or “others who are under attack from the FBI.” Since, probably before you were born, 1965, I have been investigated, arrested, followed by FBI, state and local law enforcements. My last arrest was just last year on trumped up trespassing charges at Marquette.

I was not attacking anyone but I do believe that the best defense is offense in nonviolence. We are constantly, in the peace movement, defending ourselves or attacking each other or weak groups and persons. The ‘powers that be’ like this and it keeps us busy and away from direct action on big issues. For example, this 9/11 I have heard about eight or nine events by peace groups going on that day. (I am probably going to the Coffee House,a place I helped to create in the 60′s, for an Iraq Vet benefit for homeless vets. Music is more effective than so much talk.

Also I think people today take criticism and creative conflict as divisive and negative rather as unifying and positive. Below is a quote by Fredrick Douglas that expresses my view on this subject.

I do not write attack pieces but desire personal dialogue. Yes let us discuss and talk together in person. You can reach me 24/7. When we meet I would like to know more of who you are and why you are being attacked by the FBI, a badge of honor for me. It is of more interest than so much talk.


quote below.

“I am not trying to abolish conflict. There is great value in healthy conflict. And the dangers of group-think are real. Conflict can inspire creative leadership. Where there are fundamental conflicts over values, they should not be ignored in a sentimental yearning for consensus. The problem in our communities today is not that we have conflict, but that we manufacture conflict and exaggerate differences to the point where it is very difficult to make meaningful change. Too often we abandon basic civility and cannot disagree without questioning the motives of our adversaries. Our standard as we debate should be similar to doctors’ Hippocratic Oath: “Do no harm.” Disagree, but don’t tear the community apart as you do.” — Frederick Douglas in a speech in 1857



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