From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Return To Freedom

Hope of Haiti

Today I tried to spend time catching up with what when undone when I was in Haiti. But after our visit to Haiti not much seem of real importance in light of the life and death struggle of the people of Haiti. I did enjoy catching up with the garden. Working with the soil today reminded me of the featured article Nature’s Bounty, Soil Salvation. The article speaks of how working with the soil not only produces vegetables and fruits but working with the soil has a physical affect on our well being.

From my late son Peter and from my own life experiences I have learned a lot about stigma and how stigma stains the soul. But to discover in Haiti a people that have been stigmatized was very painful although it a peaceful way.

What brought me joy and hope was the children, youth, and what we call the young adults, of Haiti. Tomorrow I hope to begin a home web page dedicated to Haiti and amidst all the information, descriptions and pictures of Haiti I plan to have a page of the faces of the youth of the country.

From the youth, like from the soil Haiti will rises again to be a free and independent country. The youth of Haiti, the majority of its citizens, are the hope of Haiti to return to Freedom.



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Page last modified on October 11, 2011, at 01:02 AM