From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Small and Big Picture

Today at the Call To Action conference I heard Marcus Borg Keynote address on “Christians in a Time of Empire: Then and Now”. He compared the Jewish Scriptures and the New Testament Christian scriptures to were we are in this world today. It was frightening how the empire of the USA today mirrored some of the empires of the scriptures and was completely the opposite of the ‘Kingdom of God’ that Jesus proclaimed. Looking at the bigger picture we are certain our empire on the decline. Looking at the bigger picture the future looks bleak.

Last night I watched the first episode of the Charlie Rose Brain Series II. The human brain is small but one of the most complicated wonders of nature. The first series was about how the brain operates and this second series will be on the brain and disorders. These series give a solid basis to state that all mental health and addiction issues can be traced to physical changes in the brain. The science of neuroscience, study of brain and nervous system, has opened up many mysteries of human life and has so much more to go. Looking at the very small picture the future is full of hope and promise.

Perhaps to obtain the bigger picture, kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven, we need to look at the small picture, the mystery of the human brain. Many of my heroes like Gandhi and Dorothy Day state that to change the world we must first change ourselves. Perhaps starting with the smaller picture of the brain is a way to obtain the bigger picture of the Kingdom of God. Looking inward we can discover the universe.



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