From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Maybe I Heard Him Wrong?

unwanted by Peter Graf

Tonight I was preparing a few thoughts for a panel discussion I will be involved in at the Marquette University Law School involving the newspaper article and documentary called Imminent Danger. The workshop deals with the issue of committing persons with a mental illness to treatment, even if they do not realize they are ill. This is an issue I often faced with my son Peter before he died.

What came to my mind was my friend Frank’s recent entry to his blog Father at War. His son in the military was put in one of the worst situations a person can be in, “to kill or be killed.” The essay is called Maybe I heard him wrong?

Than my mind went to Marquette University School of the Army where young men and women are taught reflexive killing, killing without conscience. Now that in my mind, along with Killer Drones, is really crazy.

Read Frank’s blog and you might be glad, as I am to be near normal and say Maybe I heard him wrong?



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