From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Complete the Present

California picture 2006

Setting my screen saver to show pictures I have stored on the computer I have discovered anew many digit pictures I have taken over the years. When I make a journey be it to India or California I try first to experience the moment and next, if possible, take a picture. I haunted by the image of people taking a vacation who are so busy taking pictures they are not present to where they are.

But I believe one can do both. So in the revamping of the www.nonviolentcow web page I need to update the Bob’s Photo Gallery. In looking over my web site I noticed that I have a number of web pages, like 44 Year History of Nonviolent Resistance at Marquette and Retreat in Daily Life that I have started but not finished. For to be present on the web, as in life or on a journey, one must be present to the moment and complete the present before moving on.



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