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Another ill day but I did find the energy and time to write this letter to friends.

Dear Friends,
Find below a Cry of the Poor Petition which I am asking you to sign by sending us your name and title (optional) to

Cry of the Poor Petition

We request that the 1.1 million dollars realized from the closing and sale of three Catholic Churches (St. Nicholas, St. Albert, Blessed Trinity/Holy Redeemer) in North Central Milwaukee be used to support vouchers for three St. Vincent De Paul conferences that serve those in need in the area, St. Catherine, All Saints and St. Martin De Pores.

Some of you may have read the three essays The Catholic Church in North Central especially the essay The Million Dollar Move. In the essays you will find the story of how the Catholic Church has withdrawn from North Central Milwaukee, the most segregated area of the most segregated city in the USA and the poorest area in the fourth poorest city in the USA. (Today’s headlines of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reads: City poverty rate stands at 29.4%.).

While the number of churches in the area has gone up, the Catholic churches in this area have been reduced from 17 in 1962 to 3 today. One of the Churches closed had been a merger of three Catholic churches and there are 1.1 million of funds from the sales of these properties in Archdiocesan controlled accounts at St. Catherine parish. We are asking that the money be returned to the area to support vouchers for three St. Vincent De Paul conferences that serve those in need in the area, St. Catherine, All Saints and St. Martin De Pores. The archdiocese funds are controlled by the Archbishop, president of the Corporation Board, two other clergy and two trustees.

Today I got an email from a good friend who really has given her life to serve the poor and was one of the contributors to the essays. She said: “As far as use of the money for purposes you have described, “I do not wholeheartedly endorse your plan. I think it requires a collaborative effort not a one man proposal.” I responded that first of all I cannot take credit for the idea of “selling what you have and giving it to the poor.” I got this idea from Jesus and other great prophets. Also I explained to her how I have tried to make this a collaborative effort only to be met by silence or rejection from those involved. The local Catholic newspaper, publisher being the Archbishop, will not acknowledge the essays. The local liberal peace and justice group, Catholics for Peace and Justice, which list its address at St. Catherine’s church refused to put a link to the essays in its electronic newsletter this month. The person who censored the link, a member of Blessed Trinity parish council and now a member at St. Catherine’s said the essays did not meet the ‘standards of the newsletter’. The parish council of St. Catherine’s would not allow five minutes for us to discuss this proposal at the last meeting. How do you have a civil discourse when one side ignores the message and attacks the messenger?

This is why I need you, my friends, Catholic or non-Catholic, Christian on non-Christian, poor or rich, male or female and no matter where you live in the world to break the silence with the few of us who have written the Archbishop and Parish Corporation Board asking for a dialog. (So far ignored.) Please show you solidarity with the poor by writing back to us at saying we can use your name on the Cry of the Poor Petition and/or write the Archbishop directly at

If you need more information than is provided in the three essays, The Catholic Church in North Central Milwaukee , please contact us. Not one person has challenged any of the information and statements in the essays.

Another friend told me today to focus on works of mercy with individuals and forget about this larger issue. The blessings and grace of God that come to me from those in need is for this reason I cannot be silent and allow the 1.1 million dollars to be used in a way it was not intended. We cannot do much about the segregation and racism of the Catholic Church in Milwaukee in the past, but we can do something now about the 1.1 million dollars serving those in need in the area.

We beg you to sign the Cry of the Poor Petition and/or write the Archbishop of Milwaukee. I know I am a weak and presently a sick messenger but by working together we can make a difference.

May the peace and justice of Jesus Christ be with you,

Bob Graf

“Speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves for the rights of the destitute, open your mouths, decree what is just, defend the needy and the poor.” (Proverbs 31: 8–9)



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