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Today scriptural readings at liturgy and the priest’s homily on being dependent on God reminded me of a study I made some years ago in graduate school of who the poor were in the time of Jesus and what this means today. The poor in Jesus’ time were persons like the blind beggar that had no family to take care of him and had to beg for survival; the poor were windows with children with no man to provide for them and thus dependent on temple donations; the poor were children who at the times were considered to have no real rights. When Jesus says “Blessed are the Poor for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” he is talking about the blind beggar, the window and the children, all who were dependent on others, God and temple. He was not talking about the peasants, fisherman and majority of society who struggled daily to make ends meet.

The lessons I drew from the historical Jesus’ words and action have application in today’s world. Being dependent, poor, is considered a bad thing, even by poor themselves. We hear that everyone in American can make it if they try and work hard.

Making home visits the last few days as members of the St. Vincent De Paul we met families that were poor, dependent on subsidized house or on our group for beds to sleep on or basic appliances like a refrigerator. After we gave these persons vouchers for whatever we could, we had some personal conversations with some of the woman. They had serious concerns about their children, environment they lived in and struggles to survive. These are today the blessed or poor that Jesus was talking about.

Last week I drove a few friends in need. without transportation, to clinics or for doctor’s appointment. Whenever I provide this service I feel blessed. The poor, those who are dependent on others and God, are truly blessed.

The other night at the African baby shrewder I saw a friend form the past. I asked where her husband was. She said that his disability of mind, he had suffered in the Vietnam War, had got worse and he was unable to attend events with groups of people. She added that he got by because he was dependent on God. Blessed are the dependent.



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