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As a result of our former Catholic church, Blessed Trinity being closed in 2011 by the Archdiocese , 1.1 million dollars from the sale of three Catholic Churches in North Central Milwaukee was inherited by St. Catherine’s parish, a Church many miles away. The intention of those who since 1897, had raised the money for these three closed churches always was to serve the mission of Jesus Christ in the neighborhood, which is primarily to serve those in need and the marginalized.

Yet, it became clear tonight observing a parish council meeting at St. Catherine’s tonight that the president of the parish council and a few others considered the money belonging to St. Catherine and was not considering it an inheritance to serve the poor and marginalized in the area it came from. This area, which featured 17 Catholic Churches in the 60’s now has only three Catholic Churches and now is the poorest area in the fourth poorest city and the most segregated area in the most segregated city in the USA.

A few of us recently wrote a Parable Thy Kingdom Come…on Earth as it is in Heaven and a Proposal from the Parable that like our earlier Cry of the Poor Petition so far as been ignored by the few Church leaders who considered the 1.1 million dollars not an inheritance but as belonging now to their Church to do as they will.

When we inherit money for a specific purpose like the mission to the Church to serve the poor and marginalized in certain neighborhoods some of us consider this an obligation of conscience. Some do not. The battle is on and if we can “break the silence” on this issue we might finally be heard and direct the money to those who truly inherited it.

The few who are ignoring the true inheritors of the Church money, the poor and marginalized, are also involved in censoring the Parable Thy kingdom Come from the Catholics for Peace and Justice newsletter just as they did last fall with the historical essays Catholic church in North Central Milwaukee. Jesus said in the Beatitudes “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” (Matthew 5:4–6) Jesus also said “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. (Luke 6: 30) Putting all this together with Thy Kingdom Come…on earth as it is in Heaven” from the Our Father it is not hard to see who the real inheritors of the 1.1 million should be.



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