From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Too Much Poop?

worm castings

Today I emptied out most of the ‘worm box’, something I should have done earlier. The box was full of worm castings, which is good, but not many worms, which is bad. Worms eat all kind of compost but will not eat their own castings (poop). This is the story of my summer, to many good things happening, like castings, but all the castings (poop) kills off source, like worms.

I talked to a reporter today who called Marquette University up to ask them their side of the story about my arrest and trial on Monday. The communication director at Marquette said it had nothing to do with ‘protesting’, contrary to police report, but I was a disruptive force blocking students and faculty from doing their work. This is a complete contradiction of what it says on the police report for the arrest but who cares about facts when you can blame someone and get off the hook. This is another example of too much poop, this time not good stuff like worm poop.

I started to get upset about Marquette’s attack on my character but then realized that true nonviolence is to take all the poop and make the best of it. Castings, worm poop, are great for growing and this stuff will be great for growing my character.



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