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“The greatest mistake of the
movement has been trying to
organize a sleeping people
around specific goals. You will
have to wake up the people first
and then you will get action.”

Malcom X

Being spring and yet being the first day above freezing in a long time, I thought I would take a picture of my worm depository in the back yard. To keep the worms warm and fed in the winter I put lots of cooked compost]], worm food, in the pile and add wood chips and leaves on top. The hope is the wood chips and leaves on top would help with the snow to make a frozen insulted pile where the worms can keep feed and warm. Since this is the first day over freezing in a long time I thought I would take a picture of the worm depository before the warms melted the snow. The statue of Mary, I called Mary of the Snows for now, got into the picture of the worm depository. Each year I hope the worms in the pile have enough food and heat to make it. Usually they do and survive. But this year I wonder, since the winter was so long and cold and still is, now into spring.

In life at times we go through long winters, dark and lonely periods, where it is hard to keep ourselves motivated. Since the death of my son, Peter, I have learned how to live in the ‘shadow of death’ and this has helped me though these dark winter days of the soul. The hope of spring and being ‘thretened with Resurrection’, keeps one going through these times.

This is a lesson I learned over the years, especially in my two journeys to Guatemala,one in 2005, Buried in Guatemala, and this last month. People can keep their spirits up and be willing to sacrifice if they have something worth suffering and dying for. To have some meaning in life and being able to speak out keeps many of us going and struggling.

‘Life is not fair’ as some say may be true but one needs to believe that there is a purpose and meaning to suffering and death in order to endure it and not be bitter, hopeless or living in a deadened world. A deadened world is where one just sees and hears what they want to see and hear and anything in conflict with this is ignored. If we have the “ears to hear and the eyes to see” we must suffer peacefully while threatened with Resurrection.


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