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Some could say that I frequently point out the faults of Milwaukee, like it being the most segregated city in the USA. I am negative about our city, but it is only my love and respect for the city of Milwaukee that drives me to point out any blemishes.

This afternoon as I was taking an elevator up to my dentist’s office, a woman, a complete stranger, started a conversation with me about the weather outside, warm one day and cold the next. I have had many conversations, light and serious, with complete strangers in the grocery store, waiting in Doctor’s office or at a public event. It is just normal for everyone to talk to everyone and everyone to feel connected to everyone in Milwaukee.But I realize this is an only in Milwaukee experience, a big ‘small town’.

Only in Milwaukee can you find so many frozen custards stands, offering little or no seating inside but selling hamburgers, sandwiches and, naturally, custard, usually with a special ‘flavor of the day.

Only in Milwaukee can you find over 300 Fish Fries on a Friday night, not just during Lent but anytime of the year. Fish Fries are found at fast food stands, Chinese restaurants, fancy restaurants, churches, corner bars and wherever food is served. Tonight we enjoyed what I considered the best Church fish fry at a local church.

Only in Milwaukee can you order almost any type of cocktail and have it served with brandy rather than whiskey.

Only in Milwaukee can you find so many former major breweries, Pasbt, Schlitz, Gettlemen, Blatz, but now only one active major brewer, Miller, with tons of small craft breweries.

Only in Milwaukee can you find so many neighborhood bars, where if you are a regular “everyone knows your name.”

Only in Milwaukee one can find so many ‘bubblers’ that would be calling drinking fountains elsewhere.

Only in Milwaukee can you find so many major summer festivals, Irish Fest, Summerfest, German Fest, Italian Fest, Gay Pride fest, Greek Festival, Native American festival, African American fest, Polish fest and on and on. I heard it said that ‘Summerfest’ is the largest outside festival, music gig in the world.

Only in Milwaukee had ‘socialist’ mayors until the late forties who build a wonderful parks and recreational system with other things for the ‘common good.’

Some say that we are all ‘related’ in Milwaukee since so many people in Milwaukee were born and raised here and are still here or come back home.

We have our problems but for now I am focusing on all the good you can find ‘only in Milwaukee’.


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