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“Bring on Spring!”

I just check with Siri on my 4GS I Phone and she confirmed that the first day of spring in 2014 is this Thursday, March 20th. I was just checking since this is the longest winter I can remember in my lifetime. As we approach spring a day over 40 degrees is rare. When it does get 40 or 50 the next day it drops back to 20’s again. The high temperatures predicted for the next 10 days are between 26 and 46 degrees. This is not exactly ‘spring weather.’

I am anxious to order to get my seeds and start some plants in the sun room but it is much too cold in the sun room for that to happen. The climate change people tell us to expect more intense weather, colder winters and hotter summers.

I stayed home this cold day and did things from cleaning areas of the house to research the ten reasons why the Society of St. Vincent De Paul (SVDP) should not build a new store in the suburbs but on the North Side of Milwaukee. My research seems to be ignored by whoever it is that has the say, certainly not members of the Society. Looking at the negatives of a suburban SVDP store, I got a call for help to someone who is doing something positive about providing people on the North side with clothes, materials and things they need. I was hesitant at first to offer my help, since I am always complaining about too much to do, but then I thought: “Wait a minute. Instead of being negative I can do something positive.” “The answer, my friend is blowin in the wind.”

Instead of being negative and defensive I can go on the attack and be positive.
Being positive and going on the offensive on an issue can make a difference. I wish that was also true for the weather.


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Page last modified on March 19, 2014, at 12:24 AM

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