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Being banned from making home visits is a lost for me. But with the type of friends I am now developing there is no lost of ways to help friends, from driving someone somewhere to help getting a phone connected. The new world of technology, fast cars and computers, smart phones and twitter has left some people, poor, old and ill behind.

So that part of the Catholic Worker equation remains, works of mercy. The other part, resistance to injustice and violence, war and greed is also not hard to find. When one eye is open to the evils of racism and militarism they appear everywhere.

What is hard to do, these days, is when facing what you may see as evil to overcome it with doing good. “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12: 21) When a Catholic institution that you love and respect, like St. Vincent de Paul, locally treats the poor badly and bans you how do you respond? When Marquette, a Jesuit Catholic University, ignores its own teaching and teaches war and killing what do you do? It is easy to criticize such things but how do you turn them around with love and respect.

I do not know what to do but to keep on speaking the truth and acting on my conscience. More prayer and silence will help guide me but more and more I am getting to understand St. Ignatius of Loyola when in a prayer in his Spiritual Exercises he says to welcome rejection, insults and being ignored when you are doing something in the name of Jesus. I am not sure what I am doing is in the name of Jesus but I certainly can follow his advice by taking the evil I see around me and doing my best to overcome it with love and goodness.

I hope I am not too old to overcome evil with good.


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