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With record snowfalls and record cold reported across the country, I guess any thought of extending fall to make up for a cool summer is gone. Maybe next year we have some of the warm weather of climate change where each year the average world temperature rises. Extreme weather has become a hot topic and even here in Milwaukee where we only had a little snow and it has been a little colder than normal extreme weather eats up our news. Why people like weather reports so much I do not know. If I want to check on weather I just look at the App on my smart phone which is usually more accurate that radio and TV news.

I heard a freighting report on radio today how obsessive we have become with our devices like smart phones, tablets and computer. The story was about a young man who, while texting and driving, killed two men. At first he denied he was texting when the accident occurred, but when a specialist talkeed about how our devices distract us without us even knowing it he realized that he did kill these men because of texting. He is now an advocate of not texting while driving which most Americans agree with but many of them still practice it.

Checking on devices for texts, emails and information, like weather conditions, or diving instructions has become like a slot machine for many. Although most text and emails bring us not much new or exciting we keep checking, like pulling the lever of the slot machine, looking for the ‘good news.’ Science has shown how our devices have affected our brains.

I must admit I am guilty. If I sit in the living room to take a break or eat lunch I find myself turning on TV, flipping channels looking for news or sports or checking my phone or email. There are Apps for just about everything from checking the biblical readings of the day to doing speed check on passing cars.

The poor, elderly, ill, the people without a lot of devices are being left behind and we who have lots of devices are becoming more and more passive. We can hear or read about anything on our devices so why do anything more than send a text or email. I am guilty as the next person in allowing devices to take over my life.


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