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Icon of Blessed Trinity

One of my favorite quotes is by Julian of Norwich, an English mystic of the fourteenth century: “All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” After yesterday ‘sick day’ I am can say this again. Mystics like Julian, conscious of God’s presence, fascinate me since they are able to see deeply into everyday events and find the presence of God. “Finding God in all things’ is a tenet of spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola that I seek but seldom find.

Yesterday was the holy day of the Blessed Trinity, the mystery that there are three persons in God. Over the centuries this revelation has cause much turmoil in the Church. Someone sent me a homily today in which the priest stats that actions, like the vote in Ireland, for ‘marriage equality’, helps us understand gender fluidity in which we can break out the mode of being female or male. He suggest that instead of understanding God, the father, son and Holy Spirit we can understand the Blessed Trinity better as the “Holy Threeness—Creator, Redeemer, Spirit. “

Mystics like Julian and John of the Cross often refer to God as female. Perhaps ‘gender fluidity’ can help us eliminate gender in our understanding of God so we might be better able to see the presence of God in all things.


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