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Sometimes we need to take a step back, stop, look around and be, in order to move forward. Tomorrow I will drive up to Willard, Wisconsin to make a weekend retreat with folks like myself who have made trips to Latin America with GATE, Global Awareness Through Experience. GATE is the organization that I traveled with to Guatemala and Venezuela. It will be good to see friends from the trip, but best of all it will be great to get away in the deep woods of northern Wisconsin. It will be a time for prayer and reflection, a time for conversation and silence.

This week has been filled with news of friends having health, legal, marital or survival problems. I do what I can do for others, which is not always that much, but is something I need to do. At the same time if I do not take time for myself just to be, I am of little or no use to others. So in the world of doing I will be doing some being.

Today I heard from a reader of the Diary of the Worm about a number of businesses that insulate windows using the Air Resource System. They all mention the effectiveness of their system but not one of them gives any credit to the pockets of air that are at the heart of the system. All are expensive, even the insert for the windows, Window Inserts and two are curtain-like products Cozy Curtains and Creative Energy Products. All three sites mentioned how tight they fit as if that, not the air pockets, were the reason they were effective. Why are persons afraid to mention that it is the pockets of air, not the tightness of the fit or thickness of insulation, that is the major insulating factor in any such system? Maybe it is because air is free or the idea is too simple and natural.

I am doing a hand-out on AIR workshop at my Church, Blessed Trinity, 39th and Courtland, on Saturday, Nov. 1st from 10am to noon. We are mainly focusing on using clear plastic kits to insulate wooden storm windows, turning the windows from two-pane windows to four, but the same idea can be applied to aluminum windows, greenhouses and other inserts. The workshop, like air, is Free and open to all. It is a simple way for about 40 cents a square foot to save over $2 a square foot in heating costs this winter and in future winters.

Because of the retreat this will the last Dairy of a Worm post till Sunday night. The fresh air and quiet will renew spirits. And for those who ask my about my livestock, worms, when I am gone, do not worry (or “Bob’s Your Uncle”) my son and wife will be here, and worms are very low maintenance. In fact, they so low there is nothing to be done for the worms in the sunroom or out in the worm depository in the garden. Free air will keep them warm and alive in their retreat.



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