From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Nature's Way

Vertical Growers 2008

It was the night before tax filing day and it is still cold and raining. However, the word from the weatherman is that tomorrow, tax day, spring will come again for three days of sunny and warm weather. The shovels are ready, the ground is prepared, the small greenhouse is set up outside, the vertical growers are ready to go outside, flowers are preparing to bloom and all will be well the next three days. So goes my hope in nature, Easter and spring.

Tomorrow is getting out and get ready day with hopefully the front garden wall going up. Thursday is preparing day for the DMZ garden and Friday a young friend and her mom are coming over to help and a professional landscaper will be here for dinner.

So if nature has its way I will be set for the next few days. If not, so be it.

(There are new quotes on the quote page including ones from Merton. Dorothy Day and Gandhi.)



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