From Nonviolent Cow

DiaryOfAWorm: Drone and Clowns Storm the Batille

Drone and Clowns Get Ready to Go

Today at Bastille Days, a French Festival in Milwaukee, we gave out nearly 1500 (fake) million dollar bills with a message on the back about drone warfare. We did it with class with a (fake) drone,signs with our message: “Killer Drones Cost $ & Lives” and real clowns handing out the bills with our message on back. Some people were glad to learn about drones, some they did not like our presence and many just smiled, took a picture and maybe one of the million dollar bills.

Last year at we did a funeral march on Bastille Days with a message of No More War Spending. At the start of the march last year we were stopped by local security saying we could not march on the public sidewalks or hand out our flyers. They threatened to call the police if we did not leave. Knowing we were within our legal rights we asked the security guards to please call the police. Instead they called the head of security that, after a discussion, let us march. This year, as we were gathering, four real police officers were present to talk with us. We told them what we were going to do and they said fine with warnings about doing stuff we were not planning to do. They followed us around for a time but after awhile just stood under a tree in the shade.

I got some great pictures of the drone and clowns that tell the story better than I could in words about what we did and about our 1500 million dollar message of Killer Drones Cost $ & Lives. Tomorrow check Breaking the Silence or Killer Drones to find the web page telling the whole picture of “Drone and Clowns Storm the Bastille”.



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Page last modified on July 17, 2011, at 01:21 AM