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Black spots on butterflys
are called stigmas

The day is done and I have moved forward and backward. Forward movement was in faith sharing and working in the garden. Backward movement was in responding to two emails to activities taken my parish council to secretly deal with 1.1 million plus received from closing of three Catholic Churches in North Central Milwaukee. It was clear from one of the parish council members he had not read or ignored these three essays, the Parable and the draft proposal for a sustainable works of mercy fund that he had been given. I understand why now Jesus said often, usually after telling parables, “Let them hear who have ears to hear and see if they have eyes to see.” It is difficult or impossible to discuss, especially by email, with a person who sets his or her mind on an attitude and will not discuss or dialog on information. I responded, hopefully not reacted twice today to the secrecy and ignoring of parish council to the message to use money inherited form closing church in this area for a sustainable fund for persons and families in need.

We touched on this issue of people making up their mind and not wanting any criticism or dialog this morning in Faith Sharing. It is hard to argue with such a person who puts you and/or message in a box and then stigmatize it or you. Yet not to respond to misrepresentation is not right and plays into the hands of those who want to ignore the message. Striking a balance between taking in personal blows and sticking to the message is difficult. Reacting to a person is easy but just makes the stigma grow. Sticking to message, not reacting and keeping an open mind to listen to others, is difficult. It is that old “Love your friends as you love your enemies” thing all over again.

I had a chance to work in the gardens outside today. If you make a mistake in gardening nature, in time, will let you know. If you do something successful Nature lets you know. Nature just listens and communicates by responding not reacting to our gardening work.

The politicians, military and gun supporters admit it is not natural to shoot a person yet they keep promoting wars where young men and woman need to “kill or be killed”. If something like killing is not natural it means that no therapy or medication will solve the problem of teaching people to kill without conscience or by remote control with Killer Drones.

At Faith Sharing this morning someone reminded us of the lessons in the book “I learned all I need to know in kindergarten.” In kindergarten we learn how to share and the wonder of nature and life. Seeing and hearing the wonders of nature is all we need to know.



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